woman discovering staph infection

Online staph infection of the skin diagnosis.

If you’re experiencing staph infection symptoms, such as a painful rash or blisters on the skin, then it’s time to connect with an online doctor.

Access the answers and health care you need at a time that suits you at Tia Health.

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woman discovering staph infection

Online staph infection of the skin diagnosis.

If you’re experiencing staph infection symptoms, such as a painful rash or blisters on the skin, then it’s time to connect with an online doctor.

Access the answers and health care you need at a time that suits you at Tia Health.

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What is a staph infection?

A staph infection of the skin is caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus, which lives on the skin or in the nose. It is also referred to as golden staph. This common infection often begins when a little cut on the skin gets infected with the bacteria. It can become very serious if the bacteria is able to invade deeper parts of the body, such as the blood, bones, lungs, or heart. It is also highly infectious as the bacteria can be transmitted from one person to another and live on objects that the infection may have touched, such as towels or bedding.

What is a staph infection?

A staph infection of the skin is caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus, which lives on the skin or in the nose. It is also referred to as golden staph. This common infection often begins when a little cut on the skin gets infected with the bacteria. It can become very serious if the bacteria is able to invade deeper parts of the body, such as the blood, bones, lungs, or heart. It is also highly infectious as the bacteria can be transmitted from one person to another and live on objects that the infection may have touched, such as towels or bedding.

staph infection bacteria

A staph infection of the skin diagnosis is likely if you are experiencing more than one of these symptoms:

  • Red or swollen boils

  • Pus-filled abscesses

  • A painful rash, that commonly blisters

  • Redness and swelling on the surface of the skin

Are certain people more at risk of getting a staph infection diagnosis?

Yes, the following factors increase risk:

  • Diabetes
  • A weakened immune system
  • Being a newborn
  • Breastfeeding
  • Cancer
  • Respiratory illnesses
  • Playing sports due to high contact while playing, sharing changing facilities, and risk of injuries

How can I prevent a staph infection diagnosis?

These steps can help:

  • Covering up any wounds with a band aid
  • Keeping cuts clean and dry
  • Wearing foot coverings in changing rooms
  • Maintaining high levels of hygiene and washing hands frequently
  • Not sharing personal items which may have been in contact with the wound
  • Washing all bedding on a hot cycle to kill bacteria

When should I see an online doctor to help with a staph infection diagnosis?

See a doctor about a staph infection of the skin as soon as symptoms appear. This is in order to prevent it spreading further in your body and to others.

Is a staph infection serious?

Yes, golden staph can cause a number of life-threatening infections such as:

  • Impetigo
  • Meningitis
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Sepsis

How does a doctor treat a staph infection?

In order to confirm that you have a staph infection of the skin, the doctor may need to test a tissue sample or nasal secretion for signs of the bacteria. If you do have a positive staph infection of the skin diagnosis, treatment options include:

  • Oral antibiotics. This is the most common treatment method. However, staph bacteria can prove resistant to several antibiotics and in these instances an IV antibiotic may be used.
  • Draining the wound by making an incision into the infected area to flush out the fluid.
  • Antibiotic ointments

How do I prepare for my online staph infection appointment?

To ensure the physician can provide an accurate medication prescription during your appointment, you can help by noting down any concerns and answers in advance, how long you have been experiencing staph infection symptoms for, and any allergies they should be aware of.

What will my online staph infection appointment be like?

Appointments usually take between five to thirty minutes depending on the individual need. The online doctor will ask for a description of your symptoms. This will allow them to determine the best course of treatment. If necessary, they may recommend a follow-up appointment or a visit to a physical clinic.

How booking works.

“How do I connect with an online doctor about a staph infection?”

Our virtual clinic is designed to provide you with secure, trusted and easy access to the advice and care you need when you need it.

Here is how to book an appointment:

Here is how to book an appointment:

Skip the waiting room and book a virtual clinic appointment instead

Step 1

Select which doctor you would like to see and whether you prefer a phone or video call. We have a variety of male and female doctors available to help you in several languages.

Step 2

Attend your virtual appointment from the comfort of your own home using your chosen method of communication. We do not require you to download any apps or programs.

Step 3

Receive guidance and staph infection treatment recommendations from the medical specialist. The doctor can share any necessary prescriptions with your chosen pharmacy, and you can opt to have medication delivered to your home for free or can collect in-person if preferred.

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Oui. Notre plateforme de télésanté vous met en relation avec un médecin autorisé à exercer au Canada. Tout comme lors d’une consultation en personne, lors d’une consultation en télésanté, le médecin est chargé de comprendre votre cas, vos antécédents médicaux et de déterminer le traitement approprié. Si le médecin n’est pas en mesure de vous aider en mode télésanté, il peut vous conseiller de vous rendre en personne dans une clinique ou un hôpital.
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Pour commencer, cliquez sur le bouton Prendre rendez-vous. Vous serez ensuite invité à sélectionner le type de consultation (vidéo ou téléphone), la personne qui a besoin du rendez-vous (vous ou une autre personne) et le prestataire de soins de santé avec lequel vous souhaitez parler. Enfin, vous serez invité à vous inscrire ou à vous connecter pour confirmer votre rendez-vous.
Oui! Tous les médecins de Tia Santé sont autorisés à exercer au Canada. Vous pouvez vérifier le statut de leur permis d’exercer et voir leurs titres de compétences sur le site Web du collège des médecins de la province où ils sont autorisés. La ville et la province dans lesquelles le médecin exerce sont indiquées dans son profil sur Tia Santé, que vous verrez au cours du processus de prise de rendez-vous.
Oui, nous avons une grande variété de médecins, des hommes et des femmes, qui parlent différentes langues et ont différentes spécialités.
Si votre médecin de famille travaille sur la plateforme Tia Santé, il est possible qu’il soit disponible pour des services de télésanté. Si ce n’est pas le cas, revenez consulter notre site Web bientôt, car nous y ajoutons des médecins chaque semaine.


Les services de télésanté sont couverts par les régimes d’assurance-maladie provinciaux de la Colombie-Britannique (MSP), de l’Alberta (AHCIP), de l’Ontario (assurance-maladie) et du Québec (RAMQ), mais pas dans les autres provinces présentement (revenez vérifier cela bientôt, car cela va changer). Les patients ayant une couverture valide dans ces provinces ne recevront pas de facture pour l’utilisation des services de télésanté. Les patients des autres provinces recevront un reçu qui pourra être remboursé par un compte de gestion-santé ou une autre assurance complémentaire/privée.
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Les services de télésanté sont couverts par les régimes d’assurance-maladie provinciaux de la Colombie-Britannique (MSP), de l’Alberta (AHCIP), de l’Ontario (assurance-maladie) et du Québec (RAMQ), mais pas dans les autres provinces présentement (revenez vérifier cela bientôt, car cela va changer). Les patients ayant une couverture valide dans ces provinces ne recevront pas de facture pour l’utilisation des services de télésanté. Les patients des autres provinces recevront un reçu qui pourra être remboursé par un compte de gestion-santé ou une autre assurance complémentaire/privée. Si vous ne disposez d’aucune couverture, le prix des rendez-vous varie selon le type de rendez-vous choisi. Il n’y a pas de frais variant en fonction du temps ni de frais supplémentaires si un rendez-vous dure plus longtemps que prévu.
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Tia Health is focused on modernizing and digitizing healthcare. Our mission is to positively impact health outcomes by leveraging technology to empower patients and doctors.

This page is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.